What Value Experience?

What’s the value of speed and experience?

In December last year one of our global clients had a last-minute opportunity for 220 kits delivered to Turkey for training sessions to start very early in the new year.

Turkey is notorious for complex customs issues and the Christmas break is often fraught with delays, so too last-minute?

When we started talking with this client the translations were not even completed. Eventually the files were ready in the afternoon on the last Monday before Christmas.

Our team worked throughout the break to manufacture the kits and deliver them successfully to the end user in Turkey.

Seems simple right?
It took:

  • 20 years experience shipping internationally
  • Understanding exactly what a commercial invoice is for, what to put on it and what to NOT put on it!
  • Knowledge of commodity codes and the impact on import duties.
  • Knowing what items to advise the client to exclude from the kits to ensure smooth transition through customs.
  • Understanding of INCO Terms and what they mean (as it happens, we print INCO terms 2020 too 😀 )
  • A robust and reliable supply chain
  • A management team that will work across the Christmas period to keep an eye on shipments and our client completely up to date

The result?

Our client delivers on a significant opportunity that would otherwise have not been possible. From files to delivery in less than two weeks across multiple countries and a significant holiday period where shipping is notoriously complicated.

Tessell8: Exceptional service, around the world, no matter what the world brings