Tessell8 Limited | Business Media Publishing Logistics

Markets change quickly, maximise your return…
Markets change quickly, to maximise your return you need a partner to respond just a quickly.
We cover the entire process from creative to installation.
This means we can deliver projects in hours not days so you can maximise on opportunities as soon as they appear rather than waiting for your supply chain to catch up.
Exploit new opportunities…
By working with Tessell8 our clients are able to exploit opportunities they would otherwise miss.
We work super fast so you can make the most of opportunities and increase margin making every penny count.
Whether you need to fill out that training classroom or promote a product when the weather changes, Tessell8 can react so you make out.
Last minute national POP roll out…
Our client had an excess of stock and a deadline within which to sell it.
We worked together on a POP campaign to promote the product over the coming weekend.
We were:
- Briefed on Tuesday.
- Photo shoot and creative on Wednesday.
- Approval Wednesday night.
- Production and dispatch Thursday.
- In stores across the clients entire estate Friday, ready for the weekend.

I need it yesterday
Crazy “rabbits”…
Over the years we have pulled some crazy “rabbits” out of some crazy “hats”… here are just a few:
- Updating a national network of displays from brief through creative and deployment in less than 3 hours.
- Three pallets of training material for a European client manufactured and shipped over a weekend.
- Etched glass awards for event in 2 days.
- Allergen compliant web plug in running live from product data base in a weekend.
- Full web store environment for global brand across 14 languages including back office integration in three days.
- Video for high street brand regional conference with music and subtitles for four languages overnight.
Opportunities don’t keep to working hours…..
….and neither do we.
We work around you, and the hours that work for you, to get things done so you can focus on everything else. Whatever we can do to make the most of that opportunity.
With a global partner base we can often produce while you sleep.

Sometimes the budget just isn’t there…
Sometimes you need it done but the budget just isn’t there.
We understand that you can’t just throw money at things, and sometimes you just need to test the waters without taking too much risk.
we can produce material for just one store or one course.
You don’t need to jump in feet first just to trial things.
We are an ultra low overhead business…
Apparently an U.L.O.B is actually a thing, and apparently we are one, an ultra low overhead business.
Whats more, we leverage through exclusive partners allowing us some exceptionally low costs.
In addition we understand the need to ‘just try it out’ without taking a second mortgage, we are here to support you every step of the way.
From creative and layout through to digital or print delivery we can help you explore new markets without breaking the bank.
A three minute professional event video…. overnight!
One of our global clients required a movie to cover a team event for their annual Regional conference.
The challenge? We needed to shoot the footage at 3pm and deliver the finished film at 10am the following morning!
In addition to this small challenge the budget was exceptionally limited. We worked through the night bringing in a number of resources and weeks of preparatory work to deliver the video work in time for the presentation.
To add to the fun, none of the interviewees ended up speaking any English, so we had to translate through the night too!
Was it any good? Take a look and see for yourself!

I don’t have a budget
We work as if we are part of your business…
Barriers stop things happening so we try and get rid of as many as we can.
We are there to understand and support you and your goals.
If you need something done super cheap but donât want to sacrifice on quality or speed we have you covered.
We don’t want the credit, we are just here to make you look good.
Projects delivered in half the time…
What difference would it make if you could deliver projects in half the time and half the cost of some other channels?*
We know how far every penny has to go, and we know that time scales are getting shorter as you try and monopolise on every opportunity. We are able to deliver projects quicker and cheaper for many of our clients that their previous supply chain.
For our long term clients we will often collaborate on new concepts and deliver projects free of charge to help test new verticals or markets.
*we can illustrate this with real stories of real challenges delivered for real customers…. really.

Things are rarely as simple as we would like…
At Tessell8, we fully understand this.
We look to automate as much as we possibly can to streamline the process and speed up delivery.
By doing so the day to day, becomes, well…. day to day.
So we work together on all the other stuff that actually takes your business where you want it to go. It’s also a LOT more fun.
The brands you see every day…
Some of the brands you see every day rely on Tessell8 to deliver material across countries, continents or globally every day of the week.
They don’t worry about shipping time or costs, file access or design adjustments and, frankly, they don’t have the time.
They just focus on their business secure in the knowledge that if Tessell8 needs to do anything, it will just happen.
…..A ‘forgettable’ solution…..
….Tessell8 were still able to ensure orders were shipped and delivered on time.
We did this by managing the changing shape of things on a daily basis. We flew staff to our production facilities (at no extra cost) and were on hand at all times of the day (and sometimes through the night) to support the client.
Our client service and development teams worked non stop with the client to support them through this period, help them debug their system and, most importantly, get the product where it needed to be.
Our client was able to simply forget about our part of the process and focus on their other challenges.

I just need it to work
Facilities around the world…
We work through facilities around the world, from Calgary to China, from Johannesburg to Japan.
Utilising a range of different channels, orders for printed material are seamlessly posted out to the production teams around the world in real time.
The entire process is completely automated meaning that your orders are being produced within seconds of being placed.
Shipping data is then posted back via the same servers to update your customers.
We put both ends of the supply chain next to each other in a secure and simple system so you can just sit back and watch.
AÂ perfect storm of challenges…
Our client was faced with a perfect storm of challenges:
- The launch of their flagship publication.
- The launch of a new global ordering system for digital and printed publications.
- The transition from a single “print for stock” warehouse to a global print on demand model.
- All at the same time!
Using InterLock, our own back office software, we were able to automate all the order handling through to our production teams.
Then, the order volume exceeded expectations ten fold and when the clients shipping system experienced “technical difficulties”…. cont’

We take all the pieces and then make them fit…
Our goal in life is to take all the pieces and make them all fit…
Our clients deliver around the world through multiple systems, in multiple currencies to multiple locations through multiple channels and usually from multiple formats!
We bring it all together and tailor a process and integration that takes out all the ‘kinks’ and then keeps it smooth.
We take all the different pieces and we  make everything fit, seamlessly…
or Tessell8!
We work as an integral part of your business…
We work with integrity and build trust so we can really add value to your business.
So many of our clients, literally, treat us as employees of their own company.
We build things together collaboratively so, when the pressure is on, it just works.
We love you guys because whenever we ask you to do something we forget about it, we just know its going to happen
Volatile exchange rate? NO PROBLEM…
Where rates are volatile the cost of the material can change in the time it takes to pay the invoice, sometimes wiping out your precious margin.
Tessell8 customers know that the cost on the day of delivery is the cost they pay when the invoice is due, giving our clients a predictable cost and access to more markets.
Tessell8 is registered for local taxes in different countries so that our clients don’t have to handle this extra layer of complexity unless it is beneficial to do so.
In these cases we have local relationships with accounting firms in country to facilitate this and keep it smooth.

I don’t have the time
Very few of our customers work a “regular day”…
Very few of our customers work a “regular day” or have time for long winded processes or paperwork.
Most of them need to ‘shoot from the hip’ most of the time and pick up the pieces later.
Our goal is that your customer gets exactly what they need when they need it (or sooner), we can work out all the ‘stuff’ later.
We are here to make your life easy, regardless of what shape things are, Tessell8 will take all the pieces and make them fit.
Our systems are totally automated…
Tessell8’s systems are totally automated and streamlined with processes enabling material to be produced around the globe. We achieve this with minimum human intervention.
Each iteration is totally unique to each customer reflecting their unique individual needs and requirements.
Because everything is automated things happen much quicker and we spend our time working together to build, not maintain.

We like automatic…..
Rather than do things manually, we prefer to automate. We don’t like wasting money or time when there isn’t a great deal of return.
We would much rather invest time with our customers, building their business, than simply handling the repetitive tasks.
So, when we started Tessell8, we decided we would find a way to completely automate anything that was repetitive, boring, or, in fact, we just didn’t want to keep on having to do when we could automate it.
We don’t see the point of doing the same thing again and again…
Partially because we don’t see the point of doing the same thing again and again and again…
….and partially because it was just cool, we developed our own software, InterLock to do all the work, so our clients donât have to.
InterLock handles everything from one end of the supply chain to the other, seamlessly, with minimal human interaction.
Any repetitive task is automated and managed with flexible logic that allows us to set rules by client or even sales channel.
We integrate with many of the best selling web shop platforms…
We integrate with many of the best selling web shop platforms…
….or directly with your own sales channel through an API.
InterLock is not just an order handling tool. It also allows us to deliver content digitally in a way that replaces books, allowing our clients not to print at all. The system significantly restricts the ability to download, print or copy the material, making it perfect for internal training.
We have our own team of developers that allow us to build new functionality instantly and often through the night.
Many of our clients benefit from these kind of quick development opportunities. Enabling them to strip cost or time out and realise the benefits.

InterLock has some funky functionality…..
It can:
- Take orders from multiple sales channels
- Present material in a secure digital format to save on printing
- Make decisions on where and when to produce
- Create all the paperwork required for order processing at one of our global partners
- Automate the data transfer for shipment details, costs and tracking back into the sales channel
- Provide completely detailed billing summaries by component for totally transparent and auditable invoicing
It can’t:
- Make the coffee
- Do the ironing
- Walk the dog on a rainy day
- Make custard
We are pretty frustrated by this last one!
Benefit from delivery in hours and days not weeks
If you want to benefit from delivery in hours and days, and not in weeks, InterLock makes this possible.
Orders can be confirmed and in production in (literally) seconds.
Just to re-iterate that…
…confirmed and in production in the time it has taken you to read this.
This gives our clients a powerful competitive edge allowing them to exploit new opportunities as soon as possible.
Because InterLock does all the hard work, it frees us all up to help you build your business and not get bogged down in the day to day.

Sometimes you donât need a super slick campaign…..
Sometimes you donât need a super slick campaign
Sometimes you just need posters, in stores, by Friday.
We won’t charge you for a very impressive powerpoint presentation, in a very impressive board room bejewelled with very impressive awards and there isn’t a bean bag in sight.
We will just charge you for what you need, when you need it.
We cover the entire process…..
From creative, professional photography and film (if you need it), through to design, production and delivery.
We donât have slick offices or bean bags though, so we won’t charge you the earth for it.
We just deliver what you need, when you need it, at a fraction of the cost.
In fact, because we handle the entire process, we can be working on the creative, with you, during the shoot making sure we squeeze every last drop of opportunity out of those expensive studio days so you don’t pay for any more than you absolutely need to.
From brief to POP in stores…. in just 3 days…
As an example, one client needed POP created and in stores in 3 days, to use up excess stock.
- We received the brief in on Tuesday.
- Propping and set design on Tuesday.
- Photography and creative on Wednesday.
- Approval over night.
- Production and shipping Thursday
- In all stores across the entire UK estate on Friday
78% of inventory used up.

Time is everything…..
More often than not, time is everything with creative projects.
Because we handle everything from creative to installation there are no little ‘hidden surprises’ in the process.
We know what the production and installers need so we make sure this is covered right at the beginning to make the final deployment as smooth as possible.
NEVER lose sight of the budget…..
No matter how cool the idea, or how amazing it might sound, look or feel, if it doesn’t make any money or deliver on your targets we won’t recommend it to you.
We never lose sight that its your money we are spending and we have a responsibility to make sure its working for you.
We will deliver the project in time and with our creative flair and on budget.

We have production locations around the globe…..
Tessell8 provide print solutions around the world.
We make closer to the point of need so you save on shipping and get stuff to your customers quicker and easier.
We build a robust and consistent production model so you know you will get the same quality of product in Rome or in Russia, in Krakov or in Kuwait, in Toronto or in Totnes.
Ship around the corner rather than shipping around the world.
With partners in all major continents…..
We have production partners in all major continents.
As well as production in areas of the world that are traditionally challenging (like Russia and the Middle East).
All this gives you the ability to say ‘yes’ to those opportunities and income streams that your competitors might not be able to supply.
There is a reason why our clients tell us:
“Have I ever told you how easy you make my job by being a true partner?”
We show our partners lots of love…..
We partner strategically so we leverage excellent costs…..
We also treat our partners how we would expect to be treated. We make sure we make the field easy for them to play on and we make sure they get paid on time so they share the love back when our clients need things urgently.
Alongside the automation that InterLock brings, and the ultra low overhead nature of our business, we can offer exceptionally low costs alongside our “legendary customer service” (genuine quote from a customer).

Even the “hard to get to” areas…..
Regardless of where your market is we have you covered…..
We have production partners in those ‘difficult’ areas, like Russia, the Middle East and South Africa.
We are even registered for taxes in several key global locations so you donât need to be.
This is all part of Tessell8’s way to make all the pieces fit, seamlessly. We do all the hard work, behind the scenes, to make you look awesome.
For most of our customers, their customers don’t even know we exist, and we see that as a good thing.
Our partner facilities cover everything you could need…..
Our partner base is wide ranging and covers all the…. ‘bases’…..
With services from POD digital book and training material production, right through to 10 colour ‘perfectors’ and web, we have a solution that you can just turn on (and more importantly turn off) as you need it.
We then take all the ‘speed bumps’ out of the process for our partners making it as easy as possible for them to produce quality material for you.
We make sure the files are easy to access and secure, we make sure they are print ready, we build and test a robust production process before we start and we make sure they never wait to be paid.
All this means that, when you have that last minute nightmare, everyone is here, ready, with open arms, to help deliver for you.

Small or Large – same service
If you just need a banner and metal frame kit, or even just a banner, if you need new window graphics across the whole country, if you need stickers or decals and you need them to be graffiti proof and stuck on so they never come off, we can help.
It doesn’t matter how small or large the project we can support you and provide everything from design through to installation. Or any element in the process you need
Global brand or local independent – same quality
We provide large format solutions for some of the UKs best known brands. In fact it’s likely that you will have seen or used something we have produced in the last month, but that doesn’t mean the small independent is left out in the cold.
At Tessell8, we deliver the same high quality service, expertise and product regardless of who you are and we are delivering every week around the country.
Simple or complex needs – same level of expertise
Regardless of what you need, we bring years of experience and expertise to every project we do.
We never just ‘do a job’ but want to make sure you get the absolute most out of it at the best price possible.
From a simple banner to a self adhesive decal to stick (and stay stuck) to a new anti graffiti coating (that the customer forgot to tell you about), we have the knowledge and the resources to make sure its right.

Large Format
National roll out or just one banner – same low cost
We know that you need this fast, we know it needs to look good and we know that, quite often, its only up for a short period and it will need to change.
We cover the whole process from site visits and measuring up, through design and production to install on site in time frames that mean you can maximise the return on any opportunity the world gives you.
1 site or 50 sites – same speed
We have a bit of a reputation for delivering very very quickly and we love a challenge.
If it is at all possible, we will be able to deliver and we have delivered on some crazy fast projects in the past.
We manage the entire process and our partners get special levels of love and care from us. because of this they pretty much always say ‘yes’ when we ask because they know we will deliver them a ‘baked cake’ rather than a bunch of separate ingredients.

Screen updates in minutes…..
We have extensive experience creating and deploying digital content to screens across an entire estate.
We can schedule changes in line with national timetables or local sites at the same time. Make changes specific to local markets so you can exploit opportunities.
Our capabilities allow you to make changes to maximise on opportunities far quicker than with print alone.
Print… or don’t print… or both…..
Because we don’t have masses of capital invested in equipment we are free to give you the solution thats driven by your needs and not what’s best for us.
Our partner base covers print and non print so you never need to waste money when it could be made to work better elsewhere.
All with the same exceptional speed and service.
Single storefront for all your brands…..
We run multi-brand store fronts for many of our clients.
Allowing them to automate the back office ordering process across their entire business, leverage spend and reduce wasted time and cost.
All through a simple and effective web store linked to InterLock (our own back office system), delivering transparent reporting and billing.

Instant updates to digital catalogues…..
We have successfully transitioned a number of our clients from printed in store catalogues to a completely digital model.
Both for front of house product catalogues (an ice cream cake catalogue for example) and back of house “job aid” cards the digital delivery method allows both market driven and more importantly legal updates to be delivered in the time it takes to download at a fraction of the cost of print.
Deliver training digitally, and securely…..
For a number of our clients they face the significant conundrum of allowing their IP to be delivered digitally.
They make the sale and win the business but increase the risk.
We have developed a web based tool allowing our clients to deliver their training content digitally. Via a web browser, in a manner as secure as the printed page but for a fraction of the cost.
Our system allows clients to tailor who sees what and for how long in a way that restricts print and download options.

A completely tailored package…..
A completely tailored package that fits your organisation perfectly.
Every client we have has a unique solution allowing the supply of digital, and printed publications, marketing and event material seamlessly.
Many of our trade clients have a valuable revenue stream in the production and delivery of specific journals and books.
Our systems are built to strip all the cost out allowing you a fixed price solution aimed at high order quantity and low order value.
A completely automated process…..
InterLock (our own order management software) completely automates the entire process from your web shop through to delivery to give you a completely touchless solution with no fixed costs whatsoever.
If you don’t have  your own web shop, we can build and manage one for you. We can even handle the income stream and payment channels for you remitting the income back to you every month.
Our own developers to deploy upgrades fast….
Every client has specific needs, with our own development team we can tailor an integration, API or output to suit your needs specifically.
Not just that, but when things change we can deploy upgrades or changes fast, often overnight or the same day, even if we integrate with your system.

Trade Organisations
Focus on building things, not doing things…..
Our solutions are robust and reliable with integrations to automate as many of the order handling or repetitive tasks as possible.
As a result our customers free up time to focus on building their organisation or their publications business rather than keeping it going.
Keep your carbon footprint low…..
Because we don’t have huge amounts of capital invested in factories and printing equipment we carry none of the overhead pressures of traditional printers.
Because of that, we deliver content digitally and physically, allowing you to give your customers ultimate flexibility and allowing you to keep an eye on the carbon footprint.

A breadth of knowledge and years of experience….
With many years experience working with some of the biggest brands and franchisees Tessell8 brings a unique level of understanding of the needs and pressures facing your business on a day to day basis.
We understand the financial and speed pressures that are unique to the QSR sector and are used to delivering projects fast and under budget.
Regardless of whether you are rolling out physical or digital we have the resources to manage it for you. We can handle the creative in house and the deploy direct to screen (with Signage Live for example) at the same time as delivering physical POP.
Get the job done, without breaking the bank…
We know that you need to respond to changes in the market super quick and deliver in time to maximise your return at a minimal outlay.
We manage the project and control the entire process from translation, through creative, digital, print installation and removal so you can rest easy and focus on the rest of the business.
NO fancy presentations…. we promise….
There is a time and a place for expensive research and “brand re-engineering” but most of the time we know you just need the POP in stores for the weekend.
We donât over complicate things or blind you with expensive Powerpoint presentations, plush offices with shelves packed with shiny awards.
We just get the job done, on time and within budget.
When you need it done, done well, when you have a budget and when you need it yesterday we have your back

Quick Service Restaurants
Who moved the WALL!!!…..
We know it’s never simple……
If only all the stores were the same size.
If only someone had kept a record of what size that light box in Sheffield was.
If only the cabinets were bought from the same manufacturer.
If only they had told me it was a heated display and not an ambient one.
If only someone had told me all those screens weren’t networked.
If only someone had told me they had MOVED THE CHUFFIN’ WALL! *
We know the questions to ask and we have the abilities, in house, to alter the POP to fit your estate, regardless what shape it is, or it was last time you looked.
*Genuine project, our fitters arrived to find the wall we had measured up had simply gone and none of the wall decals would work. We still completed the install in time and on budget!
It’s gotta be the same place my socks go…..
How many times do you do all the work, getting everything right, in the right place and at the right time, only to find it falls over on delivery?
The items you painstakingly worked on late into the night go into that same black hole your socks go to.
We have lived this pain over the years and have a number of ingenious ways to make sure the right material gets to the right place at the right time. Some of them might surprise you.

Years of experience in the training sector…..
With over 70 years combined experience supplying training companies and trainers, we understand the specific pressures you face.
We understand that most of your costs are fixed and that filling those last seats has a drastic impact on profitability. We are also not ‘married’ to the print process so can deliver content digitally just as easily and seamlessly.
Alongside InterLock (our own order management software) we work with our partners to allow our training clients to order at the very last possible minute.
Consistent quality…. all around the globe…..
You need the same product, of the same quality, whether its in Moscow or Malmesbury, Ottawa or Osaka, Johannesburg or Jaipur.
With Tessell8’s global partner base you get just that, streamlined and simple.
In addition we have partners in the “hard to reach places” and can protect you against volatile exchange rates and local taxes.
Running your own platform? No problem…..
We understand the need to keep costs down and automate as much of the process as possible.
We integrate directly with many of the market leading platforms and have the expertise to build an API based integration in days not months.
Our systems handle everything from receiving order data, creating branded shipping paperwork, posting to partners and posting shipping data back. All live and dynamic.

From client order to production in seconds…..
With our existing range of APIs and the ability to easily build new ones with our own developers we can integrate our systems completely.
Our own order management software (InterLock) means that within seconds of the order being placed it is in the hands of one of our teams across the globe.
Automated, accurate and easy.
Then, when shipped, the tracking and shipping data is ‘posted’ back just as easily allowing the end user to get all the information they need while you do something else.
open new revenue streams…..
Many of our training clients have used our global partner base and technology to open new revenue streams in places previously closed to them.
Whether it’s delivering in Russia, the Middle East or South Africa or delivering digitally, we have the ability to build a tailored solutions that works, and keeps working so you can close deals with confidence.

Cost is king….
We get it, cost is king, and you donât want to pay a penny until you have made a sale. You also need to know exactly what the cost will be before you make the sale.
Our partner base benefit from exclusive rights to our business and, in return, give us fixed costs, and we pass that on to you.
You don’t need to order lots any more to “get the unit cost down”. Just order what you need AFTER you have sold it at a fixed unit cost regardless of quantity.
Turn the cash flow on its head…..
Because we know you have to fight for every penny of cash, the last thing you want to do is tie that up in pretty brown boxes in a warehouse.
With Tessell8 you can turn the cash flow model on its head and take up to 60 days to pay for your books.
Make your revenue stream work for you, get the cash  in your hands before you need to pay it out.
Deliver to you or your client direct.
Deliver to you or your client direct.

Niche Publishers
Multi channel supply…..
With Tessell8’s multi channel model, we can deliver to your clients or to you, which ever works best.
We can receive orders from your web store, a web store we provide or even someone totally different.
We can handle the payment element for you, taking care of credit card payments and clearing so you don’t have to.
Spend time on your publications, rather than time processing orders.
Be served like a royalty…..
Service is everything for us and we don’t discriminate on spend.
Your business is as important to us as it is to you and we know that every sale makes a difference.
Let Tessell8 take care of everything so you can focus on building your business

If it is at all possible….. we will know how…
Over the years we have had loads of requests for special items from special places and, pretty much, we have found a way to deliver them all*.
If it is at all possible we will figure out a way to make it happen for when you need it and within budget.
More often than not, we need to join up a number of our partners to deliver, but deliver we have, when no one else could.
*The life size copy of the moon made from pixie hair still eludes us but we remain optimistic. After all, they said man would never walk on the moon right?
Really complex…..
Some of the projects we handle are exceptionally complex requiring months of initial scoping and work to ensure they work properly.
We have a highly collaborative approach painstakingly working through every possible eventuality to ensure we have the right configuration.
Then, just to be sure, we make sure we have the resources around to cover anything unexpected to make sure we keep on delivering while these ‘bugs’ are dealt with.
For many of our clients so much of their business is a movable feast and they need a partner that can respond, work out a solution and then deliver proactively.
Like the cafe needing full wall graphics that were accurately measured up and produced only to find that someone had stolen the wall when we arrived to fit (really… it literally wasn’t there any more).
Or the decals (for installation across an entire council estate) that we couldn’t install because someone forgot to tell anyone that everything had recently been given an anti graffiti coating.
Whatever curved ball you get, what ever time of day, you can rely on us, no matter what the world brings.

Special Projects
Really strange…..
“I know this is a really weird request but……”
We have a reputation for the weird and wonderful and delivering when no one else can.
We have become the ‘go to’ team for the completely off the wall requests for a lot of our customers. Those things that you think just won’t be possible or you can’t image how to get done.
L:et us take a look and come up with a solution, it might not be as complicated as it looks.
Really unique…..
Every client is unique and we simply don’t have a box that you need to fit into.
Our job is to identify all the pieces of the puzzle that we need to and then make everything fit together seamlessly, so you don’t need to worry about it at all.
We run many different solutions across the range of services we provide and none of them are the same. Every one has a unique shape or facet specific to that client.
The 4 Fâs Family, Friends, Food and Football.
Mayonnaise and Tomato Ketchup.
Scariest experience:
Being bitten by a dog in Thailand.
Most amazing experience:
Flying over Mount Everest.
Weird fact:
I have a full motorbike licence and havenât ridden a motorbike since passing my test over 20 years ago.
My family, cats, murder mysteries and going to the theatre
Blue cheese
Scariest experience:
Going round a 90 degree bend on a bicycle at the bottom of a hill at Dartmoor at 46mph
Most amazing experience:
Walking down the aisle and later becoming a mum 3 times over. Each time just as amazing as the last
Weird fact:
I memorise phone numbers and license plates unintentionally
Cars, 2000AD/Judge Dread/Comics & sci fi.
Scariest experience:
Driving upside down along the side of the A40 after being pushed off.
Most amazing experience:
Getting out of the car unhurt!
Weird fact:
Trained and qualified at French Chef’s college.
My wife, cycling, pizza and Batman!
Hate is a strong word, I strongly dislike cold pasta.
Scariest experience:
Fainting whilst having blood taken and waking up covered in my own blood.
Most amazing experience:
Weird fact:
My previous band was signed to a record deal….album still available for purchase!
In September of 2020 Simon died. We miss him, we think of him every day and we try to honour him in what we do.
LP (the singer), Turquoise with Magenta, Sans Serif and dogs that smile.
Littering, there’s no need!
Scariest experience:
Being trapped in a prehistoric theme park island while being hunted by rampaging raptors, no wait that was Jurassic Park. Still pretty scary!
Most amazing experience:
Watching Portishead practice for their world tour while I was the only other person in the auditorium.
Weird fact:
I used to play pool for Wiltshire Ladies and I once beat one of the England players.
Wife, kids and my collection of Starship Enterprises
I block out the haters!!
Scariest experience:
Being rushed to hospital in an ambulance with appendicitis.
Most amazing experience:
Becoming a dad.
Weird fact:
I’m currently a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo, and teach all ages and abilities.

Low Cost
We are an Ultra Low Overhead Business.
We don’t have offices and we don’t have capital tied up in factories or machinery. So we are exceptionally nimble, flexible and provide real value for money. We don’t like spending money needlessly (your’s or our’s),  it gives us the shakes.
This site is a good example: Some of the costs we had in were eye watering. Some of the proposed sites would have been exceptionally cool. They were multi layered, dynamic, media rich and one even carefully brushed our socks in an gentle anti clockwise direction.*
Although this was very tempting (I mean who doesn’t want their socks brushed?). We decided that our site should reflect how we approach spending your money…..
*OK so that bit about the socks isn’t really true, but you get the idea.Â
Superb Service
Although we haven’t yet invented the time machine, getting things done “yesterday” is a bit of a speciality for us. We are, genuinely, passionate about great service.
Our clients rely on us to get things right and think proactively to solve their problems……. before they become a problem. They rely on us to dig them out of holes to close deals, exploit opportunities and make them or their customers look amazing.
All the comments you see posted on this site are genuine, unsolicited comments from customers in response to the service they have received.
If you would like to see what this feels like, get in touch!
Global Reach
Lets just get this in the open:-Â We don’t make anything ourselves.
We do, however, have a loyal partner base around the globe. Stretching from the west coast of Canada, the USA and South America right around the world to China and Australia. With partners across Europe, in Russia, the Middle East and South Africa we can deliver in many places others struggle.
Because our capital isn’t tied up in facilities or equipment we are free to deliver solutions made to serve you rather than suck up our overhead.
You get access to global delivery that you can simply turn on and turn off as your business requires.
Only paying for it where you need it and when you need it.

Why Tessell8?
Automated Integration
We run our own order management software: InterLock.
InterLock is constantly being improved through our own developers.
InterLock delivers powerful automation for order processing through a range of web stores we manage and order feeds direct from client stores. It makes a number of business decisions, routing orders globally in a fraction of a second.
This automation strips out cost and cuts time to market, getting orders to the global partner base in seconds. Then getting those orders direct to your clients. Delivering ‘around the corner’ rather than around the world.
Years of Experience
Our team is small but strong.
Between us we have almost 100 years combined experience.
Some of us actually remember what a parallel motion is and how to use a PMT camera. We spent hours searching for the typo in the code in the Z X Spectrum monthly.
We bring this experience of technology, print and media to bear every time we work with you on a new project.
We have the tools and the experience to make things as streamlined, cost effective and automated as possible.
This is our Kung-Fu and it is strong!

It’s all about service for us.
We often lament poor service elsewhere and our goal is to give the very, very best service we possibly can.
Wether this is proactively working on your project to pick up anything that might happen or just getting things done in the best way we possibly can.
We want you to come away from your dealings with Tessell8 totally amazed by the level of service you receive from us.
We don’t really have ‘customers’ and we don’t have ‘suppliers’.
We have companies we work in partnership with.
Our goal is to work as part of your business, looking out for you and your projects.
On the other hand we give our partner base exclusive rights to our work to make sure that, when you need it, everything works as smooth as possible.
Making things fun
We like to have fun.
We understand the need to watch the budget and that timing is everything. We understand that everything needs to work.
We also understand that doing things with a smile is a whole lot easier. Then, if you can also integrate a trampoline, a ball pool, custard and a Nerf gun, well… heck! The sky’s the limit!*
*We haven’t yet managed to do this but we REALLY, REALLY want to.

What makes us tick
It’s important to us to do the right thing.
This goes through everything that we do. From transparent billing, through to fair pricing and the fact that we pay our dues on time so no one is left out of pocket.
When you shout, everyone is listening.
We give 10% of our profit away to change the lives of others. After all, there isn’t really much point having anything if we can’t share it around a bit.
We don’t just ‘do jobs’.
We will bring our experience and creativity to every project you give us, giving you the unique ideas and angles that you need to make it work.
We won’t be happy unless we have been able to bring at least one new idea to every project, to make sure every opportunity his covered.

10% of our profit to change peoples lives…..
At the very beginning there were several ‘foundational’ elements for Tessell8. One of these was that we would always give at least 10% of our profit away to help change the lives of others.
After all, what’s the point in having ‘stuff’ if it can’t be shared around a bit?
Our customers have always chosen who we give to by voting every time they place an order. At the end of each year, we total up all the votes and hand out the donations.
This is one of the highlights of our year and a great privilege to be able to do. If you choose to use Tessell8, you will also be helping to change the lives of people every day.
Over the years we have given nearly ÂŁ50,000 away to charities all around the world to change the lives of people living in really tough conditions.
From 2021 we decided that, rather than support 3 charities, we would support just one; the Oxford gatehouse
The Oxford Gatehouse
Homelessness is a massive problem that none of us can miss.
Like many cities, walk around Oxford on an evening and you will see many people setting up their bed in a doorway or under a bridge. It’s something that has touched us here for a very long time.
We have supported the Oxford Gatehouse financially or by personally volunteering over the past years.
The Gatehouse provides a range of services for homeless people in Oxford….
Making a difference
With personal experience working at the gatehouse we know just how much of a difference it makes to the lives of the homeless in Oxford.
It is because of this that we have taken the decision to support the Oxford gatehouse exclusively as our permanent charity.
We could not do this without the support of all of you.
Watch this space for new initiatives and news on this as we continue to focus on changing the lives of those leading desperate lives on our doorstep.

Drop in Cafe
In the years pre-pandemic the Oxford Gatehouse provided a warm dry space in the very centre of the city.
Here people can chat, eat a good meal, access the internet, look through the clothes store in a safe friendly environment.
During the pandemic, this has not been possible but the volunteers have taken the gatehouse out to where people are by offering food deliveries alongside any clothing requests.
Through this basic needs are met by providing food and drink, warmth and shelter, washing facilities, toiletries and sanitary products, clothes, sleeping bags and blankets, phone and internet access, newspapers and books, and social contact.
Advice and support
The Gatehouse offers one to one support and advice on a wide range of personal issues, providing contact details and referrals to other relevant support organisations, and where appropriate helping Guests to find housing.
The Gatehouse provides workshops and other activities to support guest development by increasing their skill base, confidence, and ability to interact with the community at large. These include both internal programmes (e.g. weekly literacy, art and communications sessions) and referrals to external programmes run by partner organisations (e.g. St Giles Café, Aspire, and Waste2Taste).